Friday, October 28, 2005


The pressure....

OK, so I succumbed to the temptation to make one of these blog things, and now two people have gone and read it. But, what happened in my life over the past 24 hours to justify me writing about it ? Not much, really. And now, I have a public to pander to. Oh, the pressure....

Should I write about work ? In theory, I should be learning about WinFX and LINQ around now, but I'm too busy with paying work to find the time. I'm doing a user group presentation on WinFX in a month though, so I guess I'd better get stuck into that.

Should I say something about my farm ? We have 11 acres, and I have chickens, sheep ( on another property until I build some fences ), and I grow a large amount of fruit and veggies. Does anyone care about that, I wonder ?

Should I talk about my family ? My kids are certainly entertaining to me. My son woke me up this morning at 4 am to ask to play the X-Box. We just got one, I won it at the MVP summit, as it happens. My daughter is a good girl, she doesn't wake me. We just need to hose her down to get her out of bed for school every morning.

What else is there ? Well, I could talk about the Islamic guy who has been mailing me with his arguments against Christianity, and ask myself how anyone could believe in a religion that both requires Jesus to have lived, and requires Him to be a liar ?? Or I could talk about music, I'm a big fan of guitar rock ( bought myself a guiter in the US, a left handed Explorer ). I dunno. Perhaps I'll have some sort of revelation between now and the next time I get online....

You know, I was curious to see what you would blog about...would it be like Nish's blog, all about technology? Or would yours be a more personal life kind of blog? Or maybe just a outlet for those always interesting VB and/or RAC rants?

Well, maybe a mix of all 3. :-)

With my own blog, I've been tempted to show off some of the software demos I've thrown together over time on my blog, but I always retract because I've kind of gone down this road of a more personal blog and less of a tech/software dev blog. And because of this, most of my visitors are not technologically inclined, minus the few who visit from Slashdot or CodeProject.

So how old are your kids? My Connor is 5, will be 6 in January. Fortunately for me, he never gets up as early as 4am, but he doesn't like going to bed (what kid does, really?) so it's a tradeoff I suppose.

11 acres, wow. I would've never guessed you to be the farming type. :-) My place hardly has an acre total. One thing nice though, our backyard is a wildlife preserve that overlooks a river; we have lots of wildlife coming right into our backyard. Just this morning when I was leaving for work, I had about 10 wild turkeys coming and eating some grass seed we had laid down in the back.

Anyways. Whatever you come up with as far as blogging goes, I'm looking forward to it. I've got you bookmarked in my Firefox RSS favorites at home. Talk to you later.
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